Our Offices| 1909 Mall Drive | Texarkana, TX 75503

Our Offices| 1909 Mall Drive | Texarkana, TX 75503
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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Do You Know Where You Stand With The IRS?

The normal answer for most people with tax issues is no. The notices are lengthy, complicated, and very difficult to understand.  With the current IRS talking to them is very difficult and requires a long wait. Many times this can take up to two hours.  If you don’t know where your IRS issues stand this is normal. This uncertainty is very difficult on you and we understand that. 

The good news is with the proper authorization we can find exactly where you stand with IRS.  We can get the necessary paperwork to see what is filed or not filed or if any balance due exist.  If you owe them money we can determine where you stand in the IRS collection process and what actions they are likely to take regarding your situation.

Once we determine where you stand with IRS we can tell you what needs to be done to fix the problem and remove the uncertainty you are living with. Many people leave our office saying they feel much better knowing where they are and that they have a plan to resolve these issues. Call us at 903-792-0281 or 1-800-922-5169 to find out where you stand with IRS!