Certainly it's not easy. First thing that really helps is if you have filed all your tax returns. If you aren't compliant your options diminish. If are current on your filings then time is of the essence. Depending on when the next payday is you may have time to take action before the levy is enforced. If not you can still take action after a levy has been enforced. You can enter into an installment agreement based upon your ability to pay or if you have no ability to pay then your account is placed in currently not collectible. You will have to provide the IRS with the necessary financial information on their forms for them to make this determination. Either of these cases IRS will release the levy. If you aren't current on your filings and enforcement of the levy is creating a hardship you can ask for a taxpayer assistance order to stop enforcement of the levy from the Taxpayer Advocate Service by filing form 911. The Advocate Service has lots of cases so you need excellent documentation to get them to take your case. There are some collection appeals that you can use to at least get a hearing but this may take some time and a consulation with a bankruptcy attorney may be needed as well. The best advice I can provide is don't ignore the IRS notices. The sooner we can intervene in a potential levy situation the better the chances of resolving it favorably.
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